Quickchannels end-to-end videoplattform. Ditt verktyg för allt som rör video.

Vår end-to-end videoplattform är din one-stop-shop för allt som rör video och erbjuder en omfattande uppsättning verktyg som tillgodoser dina olika behov. Oavsett om du är ett företag som vill förbättra din videokommunikation, en kommun som vill skapa engagemang kring dina möten i stadshuset eller en evenemangsarrangör som vill fängsla din publik, så har Quickchannel det du behöver.

Starta din Quickchannel-resa idag

Genom att välja Quickchannel förbättrar du inte bara din videokommunikation utan sparar också värdefull tid, vilket gör att du kan fokusera på det som verkligen är viktigt – att leverera engagerande innehåll och bygga meningsfulla kontakter med din publik. Klicka på den där knappen och låt oss börja prata!

En plattform du kan lita på

Vi är fast beslutna att skydda dina uppgifter, följa GDPR-reglerna och säkerställa en plattform som är tillgänglig för alla, i enlighet med WCAG-standarderna.


Integritet och säkerhet

På Quickchannel erbjuder vi en säker lösning med kontroller som datakryptering, säker videostreaming och anslutningar för åtkomstkontroll till din idP.



Vår plattform är helt GDPR- och Schrems II-kompatibel, och dina videodata lagras säkert hos oss och behandlas inom EU, på servrar som ägs av europeiska företag.

Ikon för tillgänglighet


Med automatisk transkribering och en undertextredigerare uppfyller din video EU:s direktiv om tillgänglighet på offentliga myndigheters webbplatser och mobila applikationer.

“The good service, ease of use and the ability to adapt the system to Hogia’s own branding were the main arguments for choosing Quickchannel as our platform.”

Eva Falk
Company Manager at Hogia

“It has been great working with Quickchannel. Our customers are happy and it enhances our branding as a professional and reliable company. Also, we are keeping track of our engagement score and it is consistently high; this indicates that our work partnership is working, that we are doing our jobs, and that Quickchannel is doing its job!”

Morten Vee
Platform Manager at Storebrand

”There are many who can deliver streaming, but there are not many who can deliver it to a large organization, every day of the week. We are a global company – when we sleep, someone else is awake elsewhere and with Quickchannel at our hands, we can trust that our colleagues in other countries get the best support.”

Jonas Tillgren
Brand Manager at SAAB

“The good service, ease of use and the ability to adapt the system to Hogia’s own branding were the main arguments for choosing Quickchannel as our platform.”

Eva Falk
Company Manager at Hogia

“DNB’s partnership with Quickchannel has been a success, enabling them to efficiently manage their digital content and events. The ease of use, robust security features, and seamless integration with their existing systems have made Quickchannel an invaluable tool for DNB. I am very satisfied with Quickchannel and have recommended it to several other large organizations.”


Heidi Andersen

Head of DAM / Brand Center DNB CXM


“The good service, ease of use and the ability to adapt the system to Hogia’s own branding were the main arguments for choosing Quickchannel as our platform.”

Eva Falk
Company Manager at Hogia

“It has been great working with Quickchannel. Our customers are happy and it enhances our branding as a professional and reliable company. Also, we are keeping track of our engagement score and it is consistently high; this indicates that our work partnership is working, that we are doing our jobs, and that Quickchannel is doing its job!”

Morten Vee
Platform Manager at Storebrand

”There are many who can deliver streaming, but there are not many who can deliver it to a large organization, every day of the week. We are a global company – when we sleep, someone else is awake elsewhere and with Quickchannel at our hands, we can trust that our colleagues in other countries get the best support.”

Jonas Tillgren
Brand Manager at SAAB

“The good service, ease of use and the ability to adapt the system to Hogia’s own branding were the main arguments for choosing Quickchannel as our platform.”

Eva Falk
Company Manager at Hogia

“It has been great working with Quickchannel. Our customers are happy and it enhances our branding as a professional and reliable company. Also, we are keeping track of our engagement score and it is consistently high; this indicates that our work partnership is working, that we are doing our jobs, and that Quickchannel is doing its job!”

storebrand logotype

Morten Vee

Platform Manager at Storebrand

morten avatar

“The good service, ease of use and the ability to adapt the system to Hogia’s own branding were the main arguments for choosing Quickchannel as our platform.”

Eva Falk
Company Manager at Hogia

“It has been great working with Quickchannel. Our customers are happy and it enhances our branding as a professional and reliable company. Also, we are keeping track of our engagement score and it is consistently high; this indicates that our work partnership is working, that we are doing our jobs, and that Quickchannel is doing its job!”

Morten Vee
Platform Manager at Storebrand

”There are many who can deliver streaming, but there are not many who can deliver it to a large organization, every day of the week. We are a global company – when we sleep, someone else is awake elsewhere and with Quickchannel at our hands, we can trust that our colleagues in other countries get the best support.”

Jonas Tillgren
Brand Manager at SAAB

“The good service, ease of use and the ability to adapt the system to Hogia’s own branding were the main arguments for choosing Quickchannel as our platform.”

Eva Falk
Company Manager at Hogia

”There are many who can deliver streaming, but there are not many who can deliver it to a large organization, every day of the week. We are a global company – when we sleep, someone else is awake elsewhere and with Quickchannel at our hands, we can trust that our colleagues in other countries get the best support.”


Jonas Tillgren

Brand Manager at SAAB

jonas avatar

“The good service, ease of use and the ability to adapt the system to Hogia’s own branding were the main arguments for choosing Quickchannel as our platform.”

Eva Falk
Company Manager at Hogia

“It has been great working with Quickchannel. Our customers are happy and it enhances our branding as a professional and reliable company. Also, we are keeping track of our engagement score and it is consistently high; this indicates that our work partnership is working, that we are doing our jobs, and that Quickchannel is doing its job!”

Morten Vee
Platform Manager at Storebrand

”There are many who can deliver streaming, but there are not many who can deliver it to a large organization, every day of the week. We are a global company – when we sleep, someone else is awake elsewhere and with Quickchannel at our hands, we can trust that our colleagues in other countries get the best support.”

Jonas Tillgren
Brand Manager at SAAB

“The good service, ease of use and the ability to adapt the system to Hogia’s own branding were the main arguments for choosing Quickchannel as our platform.”

Eva Falk
Company Manager at Hogia

“The good service, ease of use and the ability to adapt the system to Hogia’s own branding were the main arguments for choosing Quickchannel as our platform.”

hogia logotype

Eva Falk

Company manager at Hogia

eva avatar

Varför kunderna väljer Quickchannel

Räkna med Quickchannels konsekventa prestanda för en pålitlig videolösning som fungerar varje gång.

Quickchannel förenklar dina videouppgifter och sparar tid och ansträngning när du ska hantera och dela innehåll.

Quickchannels kostnadseffektiva tillvägagångssätt säkerställer att du får en positiv avkastning på investeringen (ROI), vilket gör det till ett smart val för din budget.

Med Quickchannel är dina data säkra och kompatibla, vilket ger dig sinnesfrid.

Quickchannel ökar produktiviteten i ditt team, vilket leder till bättre resultat och utfall.

Quickchannel ger tillgång till en mängd expertis och resurser, till exempel användarfall, blogginlägg och webbseminarier för kunskapsdelning.

qc logotype och hunden rico

Starta din Quickchannel-resa idag

Genom att välja Quickchannel förbättrar du inte bara din videokommunikation utan sparar också värdefull tid, vilket gör att du kan fokusera på det som verkligen är viktigt – att leverera engagerande innehåll och bygga meningsfulla kontakter med din publik. Klicka på den där knappen och låt oss börja prata!

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