Quickchannelin end-to-end-videoalusta. Valintasi kaikkeen videoasioihin

Kokonaisvaltainen videoalustamme on keskitetty palvelupiste kaikkeen videotoimintaan, ja se tarjoaa kattavan valikoiman työkaluja, jotka täyttävät erilaiset tarpeesi. Oletpa sitten yritys, joka haluaa tehostaa videoviestintää, kunta, joka haluaa luoda sitoutumista kaupungintalon kokouksiin, tai tapahtumajärjestäjä, joka haluaa vangita yleisönsä, Quickchannel tarjoaa sinulle kaiken mahdollisen.

Aloita Quickchannel-matkasi jo tänään

Valitsemalla Quickchannel, et ainoastaan paranna videoviestintääsi, vaan myös säästät arvokasta aikaa, jolloin voit keskittyä siihen, mikä on todella tärkeää – tarjoamaan kiinnostavaa sisältöä ja rakentamaan merkityksellisiä yhteyksiä yleisöösi. Napsauta sitä painiketta ja aletaan puhua!

Alusta, johon voit luottaa

Olemme sitoutuneet suojaamaan tietojasi, noudattamaan GDPR-säännöksiä ja varmistamaan, että alusta on kaikkien käytettävissä WCAG-standardien mukaisesti.


Yksityisyys ja turvallisuus

Quickchannel tarjoaa turvallisen ratkaisun, jossa on muun muassa tietojen salaus, suojattu videon suoratoisto ja pääsynvalvontayhteydet idP:hen.



Alustamme on täysin GDPR- ja Schrems II -vaatimusten mukainen, ja videotietosi tallennetaan turvallisesti ja käsitellään EU:n alueella eurooppalaisten yritysten omistamilla palvelimilla.



Automaattisen transkription ja tekstityseditorin ansiosta videosi täyttää EU:n direktiivin julkisen sektorin elinten verkkosivustojen ja mobiilisovellusten saavutettavuudesta.

“The good service, ease of use and the ability to adapt the system to Hogia’s own branding were the main arguments for choosing Quickchannel as our platform.”

Eva Falk
Company Manager at Hogia

“It has been great working with Quickchannel. Our customers are happy and it enhances our branding as a professional and reliable company. Also, we are keeping track of our engagement score and it is consistently high; this indicates that our work partnership is working, that we are doing our jobs, and that Quickchannel is doing its job!”

Morten Vee
Platform Manager at Storebrand

”There are many who can deliver streaming, but there are not many who can deliver it to a large organization, every day of the week. We are a global company – when we sleep, someone else is awake elsewhere and with Quickchannel at our hands, we can trust that our colleagues in other countries get the best support.”

Jonas Tillgren
Brand Manager at SAAB

“The good service, ease of use and the ability to adapt the system to Hogia’s own branding were the main arguments for choosing Quickchannel as our platform.”

Eva Falk
Company Manager at Hogia

“DNB’s partnership with Quickchannel has been a success, enabling them to efficiently manage their digital content and events. The ease of use, robust security features, and seamless integration with their existing systems have made Quickchannel an invaluable tool for DNB. I am very satisfied with Quickchannel and have recommended it to several other large organizations.”


Heidi Andersen

Head of DAM / Brand Center DNB CXM


“The good service, ease of use and the ability to adapt the system to Hogia’s own branding were the main arguments for choosing Quickchannel as our platform.”

Eva Falk
Company Manager at Hogia

“It has been great working with Quickchannel. Our customers are happy and it enhances our branding as a professional and reliable company. Also, we are keeping track of our engagement score and it is consistently high; this indicates that our work partnership is working, that we are doing our jobs, and that Quickchannel is doing its job!”

Morten Vee
Platform Manager at Storebrand

”There are many who can deliver streaming, but there are not many who can deliver it to a large organization, every day of the week. We are a global company – when we sleep, someone else is awake elsewhere and with Quickchannel at our hands, we can trust that our colleagues in other countries get the best support.”

Jonas Tillgren
Brand Manager at SAAB

“The good service, ease of use and the ability to adapt the system to Hogia’s own branding were the main arguments for choosing Quickchannel as our platform.”

Eva Falk
Company Manager at Hogia

“It has been great working with Quickchannel. Our customers are happy and it enhances our branding as a professional and reliable company. Also, we are keeping track of our engagement score and it is consistently high; this indicates that our work partnership is working, that we are doing our jobs, and that Quickchannel is doing its job!”

storebrand logotype

Morten Vee

Platform Manager at Storebrand

morten avatar

“The good service, ease of use and the ability to adapt the system to Hogia’s own branding were the main arguments for choosing Quickchannel as our platform.”

Eva Falk
Company Manager at Hogia

“It has been great working with Quickchannel. Our customers are happy and it enhances our branding as a professional and reliable company. Also, we are keeping track of our engagement score and it is consistently high; this indicates that our work partnership is working, that we are doing our jobs, and that Quickchannel is doing its job!”

Morten Vee
Platform Manager at Storebrand

”There are many who can deliver streaming, but there are not many who can deliver it to a large organization, every day of the week. We are a global company – when we sleep, someone else is awake elsewhere and with Quickchannel at our hands, we can trust that our colleagues in other countries get the best support.”

Jonas Tillgren
Brand Manager at SAAB

“The good service, ease of use and the ability to adapt the system to Hogia’s own branding were the main arguments for choosing Quickchannel as our platform.”

Eva Falk
Company Manager at Hogia

”There are many who can deliver streaming, but there are not many who can deliver it to a large organization, every day of the week. We are a global company – when we sleep, someone else is awake elsewhere and with Quickchannel at our hands, we can trust that our colleagues in other countries get the best support.”


Jonas Tillgren

Brand Manager at SAAB

jonas avatar

“The good service, ease of use and the ability to adapt the system to Hogia’s own branding were the main arguments for choosing Quickchannel as our platform.”

Eva Falk
Company Manager at Hogia

“It has been great working with Quickchannel. Our customers are happy and it enhances our branding as a professional and reliable company. Also, we are keeping track of our engagement score and it is consistently high; this indicates that our work partnership is working, that we are doing our jobs, and that Quickchannel is doing its job!”

Morten Vee
Platform Manager at Storebrand

”There are many who can deliver streaming, but there are not many who can deliver it to a large organization, every day of the week. We are a global company – when we sleep, someone else is awake elsewhere and with Quickchannel at our hands, we can trust that our colleagues in other countries get the best support.”

Jonas Tillgren
Brand Manager at SAAB

“The good service, ease of use and the ability to adapt the system to Hogia’s own branding were the main arguments for choosing Quickchannel as our platform.”

Eva Falk
Company Manager at Hogia

“The good service, ease of use and the ability to adapt the system to Hogia’s own branding were the main arguments for choosing Quickchannel as our platform.”

hogia logotype

Eva Falk

Company manager at Hogia

eva avatar

Miksi asiakkaat valitsevat Quickchannelin

Voit luottaa Quickchannelin johdonmukaiseen suorituskykyyn, sillä se tarjoaa luotettavan videoratkaisun, joka toimii joka kerta.

Quickchannel yksinkertaistaa videotehtäviäsi ja säästää aikaa ja vaivaa sisällön hallinnassa ja jakamisessa.

Quickchannelin kustannustehokas lähestymistapa takaa positiivisen sijoitetun pääoman tuoton (ROI), joten se on järkevä valinta budjetillesi.

Quickchannelilla tietosi pysyvät turvassa ja vaatimustenmukaisina, mikä antaa sinulle mielenrauhan.

Quickchannel parantaa tiimisi tuottavuutta, mikä johtaa parempiin tuloksiin ja lopputuloksiin.

Quickchannel tarjoaa pääsyn runsaaseen asiantuntemukseen ja resursseihin, kuten käyttäjätapauksiin, blogikirjoituksiin ja tiedon jakamiseen liittyviin webinaareihin.

qc-logo ja koira rico

Aloita Quickchannel-matkasi jo tänään

Valitsemalla Quickchannel, et ainoastaan paranna videoviestintääsi, vaan myös säästät arvokasta aikaa, jolloin voit keskittyä siihen, mikä on todella tärkeää – tarjoamaan kiinnostavaa sisältöä ja rakentamaan merkityksellisiä yhteyksiä yleisöösi. Napsauta sitä painiketta ja aletaan puhua!

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